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What are the Benefits of a Breast Reduction Surgery?

Wave Swoosh
breast reduction patient model covering her exposed breasts with her arm

Posted on Oct 12 2018

There Are Many Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery

When an individual thinks of breast surgery, they most likely think of it in the context of an enlargement or lift, but many women all over the world are getting breast surgery to reduce their size. A Breast reduction in Chicago can reduce pain and increase self-confidence for the woman who decides to proceed with the procedure. Dr. Michael Horn is an experienced breast surgeon that specializes in breast augmentation surgery in Chicago.

Back & Neck Pain

With large breasts comes back, neck and shoulder pain. Supporting the weight of their breast can lead to pain that can impair their daily life. The stress on an individual’s back, neck and shoulders can then lead to constant headaches. Large breasts can also cause skin irritation on the underside of the breast as well as where their bra sits on their body. For many women with extremely large breasts, even wearing multiple sports bras can’t help with the discomfort of working out.

Increased Confidence

Having extremely large breast can cause self-esteem issues for many women. Getting a breast reduction can help them feel more comfortable in their skin. With the advanced options we have today, scarring is minimal and you can get back to your life as soon as 10 days after the surgery. During the surgery, your surgeon can also perform a slight lift so that your breast are evenly sized and at a normal position for your body.

If you are seriously considering a breast reduction, contact Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa. As one of the best breast surgeons in Chicago, Dr. Horn will work with you to achieve your ideal results.

From the initial consultation to the final follow-up exam, Dr. Horn and his staff provides compassionate treatment tailored to the specific needs and goals of each individual. Dr. Horn’s mastery and surgical skill in performing various face and body procedures, his dedication to patients’ safety, combined with his focus on unparalleled care and attention, make him one of the most sought-after surgeons in the Midwest. At his clinic, surgical options are paralleled by an array of non-invasive treatments and advanced technologies designed to help you rediscover your beauty potential.

60 E. Delaware Place, 15th Floor, Chicago, IL 60611

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