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Patient Stories (Real Patient Testimonials)
Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa

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One Patient’s Journey: Breast Augmentation After Pregnancy

"My journey with Dr. Horn began long before we even met. It started with a faint blue line on an at-home pregnancy test. From there, my mind, body, and soul were taken on an incredible voyage, of which the last stop was motherhood."

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One Patient's Journey: Breast Reduction

"Being single moms, we often make many sacrifices for our children and delay self-care for ourselves. I am very active and tend to eat well, but after having a c-section and continuous abdominal workouts, I did not see the results I was looking for. In 2017 I made the decision to get a consultation for a tummy tuck and liposuction."

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One Patient’s Journey: Breast Implant Removal

"I've had breast implants for years. While they certainly make me feel confident and curvy, I always knew implants don't last forever. They eventually need to be replaced, whether from an implant leaking or a change of heart about the size you chose. Since it had been 15 years since my breast implant surgery, I was ready for a fresh start."

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Breast Augmentation Experience

"Overall, my experience with breast augmentation surgery was relatively easy. I was so excited! Starting from waking up from anesthesia, I thought I was waking up from a dream in my bedroom until the nurse softly touched my arm to help me become aware. I was foggy and sore throughout the rest of the day, similar to a hangover, but this only lasted for the first day. Having someone there with you is definitely important."

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Breast Augmentation Experience

"My experience with Dr. Horn and his staff was INCREDIBLE! I want to thank everyone for the breast augmentation procedure that I went through. From the beginning consultation, where we discussed my goals and vision, to the post-recovery room after surgery, the staff presented patient-centered care was amazing. This was my first surgery, and everyone displayed a welcoming, warm personality throughout the entire process. Because of how thorough everyone was, they truly helped alleviate my worries. Dr. Horn is very knowledgeable and helps you decide on which implant to choose. I didn't know this before but choosing an implant is based on your body's dimensions and what your goal looks like. That determines the type of implant with sizing and profile."

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From the initial consultation to the final follow-up exam, Dr. Horn and his staff provides compassionate treatment tailored to the specific needs and goals of each individual. Dr. Horn’s mastery and surgical skill in performing various face and body procedures, his dedication to patients’ safety, combined with his focus on unparalleled care and attention, make him one of the most sought-after surgeons in the Midwest. At his clinic, surgical options are paralleled by an array of non-invasive treatments and advanced technologies designed to help you rediscover your beauty potential.

60 E. Delaware Place, 15th Floor, Chicago, IL 60611

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