Which Conditions Can be Treated with Exosome Hair Loss Therapy?

Exosome hair loss therapy can result in a rejuvenating experience and fuller and stronger hair at various stages of hair loss, and in the case of conditions such as:

  • Receding hair
  • Thinning hair
  • Shedding hair
  • Insufficient PRP treatment results
  • Insufficient hair transplant results
  • Female pattern baldness
  • Traction Alopecia
  • Lack of desire for hair transplant
  • Unsuitability for hair transplant due to lack of donor sites
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What Are Exosomes?

Exosomes are small extracellular vesicles that have been shown to affect the hair growth cycle. Clinical studies show that exosomal hair restoration triggers new hair growth and creates thicker hair. They contain regenerative growth factors that:

  • Regulate cell survival and proliferation
  • Convert inflammatory T cells into anti-inflammatory regulatory T cells
  • Stimulate blood vessel formation
  • Promote hair-enhancing cells
  • Signal natural stem cell renewal

The exosomes used at Michael Horn Med Spa are called EXO-XOM from Benev. They're hypoallergenic, stem-cell-derived exosomes with potent growth factors, peptides, coenzymes, minerals, amino acids, and vitamins. Exosomes can prolong the hair growth cycle, helping build thicker, stronger, healthier hair. These tiny but powerful cellular components are like small bubbles, released from stem cells, that regulate many body functions.

Where Do Exosomes Come From?

Exosomes in hair loss therapy products at the Michael Horn Med Spa in Chicago are derived from donated mesenchymal stem cells found in human bone marrow, where the most potent stem cells are located and offer immense cellular growth potential. The production of high-quality exosome hair loss products takes place in FDA-registered labs under the strictest quality control standards, ensuring optimal purity and sterility of the derived ingredients.

Why Exosome Hair Treatment?

Exosome hair restoration therapy is an effective solution to hair loss at early to late stages of receding hair, thinning hair and alopecia.

Women experiencing symptoms of hair loss as a result of female pattern baldness or Traction Alopecia make ideal candidates for exosome hair loss therapy, which can serve as an augmented approach to treatment in combination with a hair transplant or PRP hair treatment. Some patients may be told that they are not suitable candidates for a hair transplant or that no donors are available, in which case exosome hair loss treatment offers a viable alternative to both PRP and hair transplant treatment.

exosome hair loss treatment patient model with red hair and makeup
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How Does Exosome Hair Loss Treatment Work?

Exosome hair loss treatment involves the use of injectable exosome products at precise hair loss sites where the activation, repair and regeneration of hair follicle cells promotes hair restoration and prevents further hair loss. After a careful evaluation of the condition of your scalp and hair, a certified Chicago hair loss treatment specialist at the Michael Horn Med Spa will provide a recommended course of treatment which will include the location and amount of exosome product suitable for achieving optimal results. During the procedure, a local anesthesia will be administered to the target site in preparation for treatment, which will produce a numbing effect for your comfort. The exosome product is then injected at specified locations of the scalp using a mini needle that delivers the exosomes safely and effectively beneath the skin. The number of injections required will be dependent on your unique treatment plan and will be evenly spaced across the target locations to ensure optimized delivery of the exosome product. Exosome treatment with the Michael Horn Med Spa is fully acellular and does not result in inflammation or redness at treatment sites.

What Are the Benefits of Exosome Hair Loss Treatments?

Exosome hair treatment is considered a safe-and-effective treatment for hair loss at various stages of progression and requires only a single session for optimal results. Benefits include:

  • Natural hair loss treatment
  • Minimally-invasive and non-surgical
  • No downtime
  • No blood draw required
  • Excellent solution for women's hair loss
  • No side-effects of scalp irritation or redness
  • Only one treatment required
  • Visible results after only 4 weeks
  • Long-lasting results
  • Hair regrowth
  • Stronger hair
  • Thicker hair
  • Reduction of hair loss
  • Reduction of scalp inflammation
  • Can be combined with hair transplant
  • Can be combined with PRP treatment
  • Promotes recovery after hair transplant

How Long Does Exosome Hair Loss Treatment Take?

Exosome hair loss treatment is an outpatient procedure that can be completed in as little as 1 hour, with only a single session required for optimal results.

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When Should I See the Initial Results?

You should start noticing increased thickness after 30-40 days, and most patients typically see the first signs of new growth in 2-3 months.

When to Expect Full Results

Most patients experience complete hair regrowth and thickening after undergoing at least 3 exosome treatments, which usually take around 6 months. Consistently following the recommended number of sessions is crucial to achieving the best results.

How Long Do Results Last?

The effectiveness of exosome hair regrowth can vary. Some providers suggest that properly administered treatments can lead to permanent regrowth, but most sources indicate that results typically last between 6 months to 1 year before requiring maintenance. It's commonly recommended to have maintenance sessions every 6-9 months after completing the initial treatment to maintain thickness and promote continued growth.

exosome hair loss treatment patient model in a black tank top smiling

Exosome Treatment Appointment Involves:

During an exosome treatment appointment, the process begins by applying local anesthesia to numb the specific area where the treatment will be administered. Next, exosomes are carefully injected into the scalp using a small needle. The injections are strategically spaced to ensure the most effective treatment outcome.

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Initial Exosomes Treatment Series

For optimal results, it is recommended to do 3 treatments spaced 2-3 weeks apart. Each treatment should take about 1 and a half hours. This allows time for numbing the desired area, preparing all the necessary supplies, and for the exosomes treatment.

Exosomes vs. PRP

In a PRP treatment, you use your own blood and stem cells; however, you must keep in mind the growth factors obtained here will be based on your age. Essentially, PRP is limited because if you are 60, you will get the benefits of a 60-year-old growth factor. That's the main difference between PRP and exosomes; with exosomes, you will receive more growth factors because it is not based on age. Therefore, results will be much more consistent! Plus, with exosome therapy, it is not necessary to do a blood draw like it is for PRP. This means no special equipment is needed and it saves you time from a prolonged appointment.

Is Exosome Hair Loss Treatment Safe?

Exosome therapy for hair loss is considered very safe and has no known side-effects with the use of FDA-approved products at The Michael Horn Med Spa.

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Is There Downtime?

Exosome hair loss treatment has no downtime and patients can go back to work or resume their daily activities immediately following treatment.

Schedule a Consultation

If you have questions about exosomes therapy, click here to request a Chicago hair loss treatment consultation online at our plastic surgery office. Alternatively, you can call our practice at (312) 202-9000 and one of our helpful staff members will schedule your appointment.