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Body Lift To Tighten Up Loose Skin After Significant Weight Loss

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Posted on Jan 17 2019

Why Body Lift is an Extremely Effective Plastic Surgery Procedure for Patients Who Have Experienced Substantial Weight Loss

Anyone who loses weight through surgery or diet and exercise deserves to enjoy the appearance of a new body. As an achievement that merits praise and recognition, your weight loss may require one more step to achieve the look that you want. If you have lost from 30 to 50 percent of your peak weight, you may want to consider body lift surgery.

Deciding to Make Changes in Weight

A decision to lose weight often reflects a health concern, and you deserve credit for choosing to do it. Anyone who has lost weight knows that it requires effort, sacrifice and sometimes even pain. Everything that you went through shows that you dared to change the way you look, but you may not have gotten the results that you expected. We can help you get the look that you want with a body lift.

Understanding the Body Lift Concept

Your weight loss may have left sagging skin that obscures the underlying shape of your body. Skin can lose its elasticity after long periods of carrying excess weight, and body lift surgery offers a safe and effective way to remove it. Advanced plastic surgery techniques can focus on the upper, mid or lower area of your body to correct the condition that concerns you. You can enjoy the silhouette that you had before your excess weight overstretched your muscles and tissues.

Your diet and exercise or the weight loss surgeries that you have endured have gotten you through the hard work to regain a healthy lifestyle. The hanging skin that remains, however, does not usually go away without specialized treatment. With a body lift, you may enjoy the aesthetic benefits of a lighter weight you.

Choosing Body Lift Surgery

We provide the medical expertise and caring support that can rid your body of the unsightly and unwanted skin that prevents you from looking your best. Our skilled physicians perform plastic surgery with precise incisions that remove excess skin, fat, and tissue from your arms and thighs, breasts, hips and buttocks. You may find that the appearance of a new body lies within your reach and closer than you may think.

Qualifying as a Candidate

Your experience in dropping between 30 and 50 percent of your peak weight may qualify you as a potential candidate for body lift. You may need to lose more if the drooping skin around your abdomen contains fat, but we can customize a procedure that includes liposuction. These guidelines can help you understand the requirements for the surgery.

  • Make sure to maintain a stable weight. Fluctuations in your weight can affect the results of surgery. It may take a while after you lose a significant amount of weight for your skin to accommodate the loss. The passage of about two years helps ensure a stable weight that enhances your potential as a candidate for surgery.

  • Maintain good overall health that can withstand general anesthesia and a period of recovery.

  • Commit to a protein-rich diet and a program of exercise that prepare you for surgery and recovery.

  • Avoid tobacco completely, and drink alcohol only in moderation if at all.

  • Prepare for your body lift with a positive outlook and psychological health. Surgery of any kind requires careful consideration and preparation for physical and emotional processes to occur.

  • Avoid becoming pregnant after your surgery because the stresses that it places on your body can affect the outcomes of your lift.

  • Assume a realistic approach about what you can expect from your surgery. The procedure requires incisions which leave scars even though we make them as subtle as possible.

From the initial consultation to the final follow-up exam, Dr. Horn and his staff provides compassionate treatment tailored to the specific needs and goals of each individual. Dr. Horn’s mastery and surgical skill in performing various face and body procedures, his dedication to patients’ safety, combined with his focus on unparalleled care and attention, make him one of the most sought-after surgeons in the Midwest. At his clinic, surgical options are paralleled by an array of non-invasive treatments and advanced technologies designed to help you rediscover your beauty potential.

60 E. Delaware Place, 15th Floor, Chicago, IL 60611

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